Visual Arts - Digital
... and here you should look what Grimboldtt has to show ...
... and here you should look what Grimboldtt has to show ...
Thanks to modern technics, which allow creating a new kind of dark art in a digital way! This gives further possibilities of working with other results and the "conventional painting" can be complemented. You will find collages, reflexions and other digital artworks.

Brücke (Bridge):
reflected photo - black and white coloured.

Gebirge mit See - Serie (Mountains And Lake - Series):
digital worlds in melancholic atmosphere.

revised photo of a Roman ruin as a print in black and white on stretched canvas; it measures 70cm x 50cm.

reflected view of a dark wood in autumn winter atmosphere; print in black and white on stretched canvas; it measures 40cm x 30cm.

Grimself - reflected collages:
from left to right: Blind, Evil, Insekt (Insect), Kobold (Goblin), Oger (Ogre)

Tier (Animal)

Grim-Tribal 1 - 3

Höhle (Cave) and Höhlentroll (Cave-Troll) - 2 reflected collages.

Knochenbäume (Bone-Trees) - Schädel (Skulls) - Schädelbäume (Skull-Trees) - 3 reflected collages.

Nibiru kommt (Nibiru Is Coming) alias Planet X Is Coming:
the often discussed apocalypse in the year 2012 in a cold and hot version - both stand in heavy coloured contrast two each other - two prints on stretched canvas; each measures 40cm x 30cm.

Rolltreppe (Escalator) - Rolltreppen-Spinne (Escalator-Spider) - Rolltreppe 2 (Escalator 2):
3 reflected images, which pick up the idea of over-technologization.