External Links
... and here are some links which Grimboldtt recommends ...
... and here are some links which Grimboldtt recommends ...
This category contains some important websites for Grimboldtt (either for entertainment or as archives or what ever). If a link does not work any longer please contact me by mail and tell. Thanks a bunch!
Thanks to everyone for giving me the permission to list their links and banners on this website and again thanks to all for supporting me and the project Grimboldtt.
Grimboldtt's online presence on:

Webradio with extreme styles of metal (grindcore, death -, doom -, black metal).
Greetz and thanks to Jeric from death.fm.

Webradio with medieval music and sounds of the Middle Ages.

Gigantic archives for metal-bands, labels and much more information.
Salve to HellBlazer. Thanks a million. Here is your link and logo.

German archives for a lot of film-details like original and alternative title, actor, director, description, length, versions and many more (comparable with IMDb).

Enormous website for metal-bands, labels and much more information.
I'm giving thanks and greetings to Kivan/ Loic from www.spirit-of-metal.com.