Visual Arts
... and here you should look what Grimboldtt has to show ...
... and here you should look what Grimboldtt has to show ...

My favourites:
- - Artworks of the Romantic period, which shows elements of birth and death, from fine to stormy weather in a detailed and realistic way: a tree with sprouts and old dead branches (e. g. Caspar David Friedrich und Karl Friedrich Schinkel).
- - Pen drawings by Albrecht Dürer (e. g. "Knight, Death and the Devil").
- - Op(tical) Art-pictures: (partly geometric) art, which bases on optical illusions. Having fun in tricking the sense of sight per viewing these pictures.
- - Fantasy-Art: e. g. Luis Royo with his detailed works; to sum up, I would say, in principle of the "Beauty and the Beast".
- - Some other fascinating artists are Vincent Locke (made several covers of Cannibal Corpse albums) and Sara Horwath (with illustrations, pin-up drawings and many more).
- - Not to forget: Ron Mueck - not a painter but a great sculptor with the most realistic creations I have ever seen. Every sculpture is either oversized or miniature, but not 1:1. And this artist does not attend to the top-models of the world.