Visual Arts - Drawings
... and here you should look what Grimboldtt has to show ...
... and here you should look what Grimboldtt has to show ...
Twodimensional artworks - drawings - Grimboldtt creats them with different tools and materials in several styles. Using ink, fine liner, coloured-, carbon- and standard pencil.
The following samples are sorted the latest on top.

Ausgeknipst (Knocked out the Lights): black ink drawing on A4 paper.

Schleimige Anbetung (Slimy Worship) in ink and watercolour variants on A4.

Kopflos wahnsinnig (Headless Insane) in ink and watercolour variants on A4.

Skeletton (Skeleton): white permanent marker on black paper in size of A4.

Federzeichnungen (Ink Drawings) - classic monsters - A4 from left to right:
Vampire, Werewolf, Mummy, Zombie und Monster-Caricature.

Abstrakt-Schraffur (Abstract Hatching) on A4. Unbalanced composition with white horizontal and vertical hatching on black ground.

Messermann (Knifeman): raw pencil drawing and digitized rework.

Pestarzt (Plague Doctor): pencil drawing. Was used for the starting-sequence of Grimboldtt's musicvideo "Pestis Medicus" in digitized revised form.

Prager Brücke (Bridge of Prague) and Friedhof mit Kirche (Cemetery with Church): drawings with fine liner on A5 paper.

Baumstudien (Tree Studies), Baumstudie (Tree Study), Bock (He-Goat) and the caricature Argonauten (Argonauts): drawings with fine liner on A4.

Op(tical) Art - work with fine liner on A3 paper.
Fascinating genre which plays with optical effects and illusions. The longer you look onto such pictures the more it flickers in front of yor eyes. This could cause headache. I plan a variant with circles from the center outwards. And at least both in the dimensions of 1m x 1m on hard masonite.

Different drawings of past days. These A3-pictures show the former music interest and were result of photos which measure circa 2,5cm x 3cm. They were seen in a shirt-catalogue.

Drawing of a dragon of past days. Used were coloured pencils.