Mixed Arts
... and here is a collection what Grimboldtt has done additional ...
... and here is a collection what Grimboldtt has done additional ...
Now I have some miscellaneous crafts, decorations and works of art.

Heavy Spikes Bracelet: wristband prototype of imitation leather with four buckles,
151 pieces of 80mm nails.

Alien: massive head made of plaster visually like a typical Roswell alien. Not really a subject of Grimboldtt but due to the mysteries of Area 51 and this futuristic eeriness this head was worth to be created.

Plaster-Skull-Variants: this photo is part of a cemetery diorama with many little skulls. Some of them show how human being can treat each other.

Grim-Self 01 + 02: two plaster casts of Grimboldtt's face, made with the help of a friend, then decorated and painted by Grimboldtt.

Grimassen - Series: grey face skin imitations made of silicone to decorate the wall of your cellar, crypt or haunted house. Unsuitable for wearing - only for decoration!

Here is the first set of three pieces in rustic style. Face skins stretched on wooden frames.

Woodcut: cutting decoration of my didgeridoo's surface.

Chainbelts: different kinds of chromed chains with carabiner. Sexy gothic design jewelry.

Claw: left-handed monsterclaw made of papier mâché. Because of the different thickness of the fingers ideal for keeping (finger-) rings. Some pictures of different positions without rings.

Claw with Murderer-Fingernails: left hand made of plaster bandage and filled with gypsum. Half pieces of bamboo imitate the murderer-fingernails. It can be arranged or be hung up.

Claw with Twinned Fingernails: left hand made of plaster bandage and filled with gypsum. Double bended nails were used twice per finger to imitate the twinned fingernails. It can be arranged or be hung up.

Cretin-Mask: made of black latex with many warts on the rough skin, bulging lips and unbalanced eye and mouth openings.

Mask with Beak: it is the Cretin-Mask with a beak imitation in front of it. This model can be seen in Grimboldtt's musicvideo "Pestis Medicus". In the Dark Ages this bill was filled with flavoursome ingredients and herbs to keep away the plague.

Mask with Double-Braid: made of black latex with two long but unbalanced braids. Without mouth or nose openings, but with very small holes for the eyes. The braids are deco and not for carrying the hear in it.

Mask Leatherface White: crude sewed pieces of white/ beige leather. The mask is fashioned asymmetric and knowingly styled ugly. Left picture with, right one without flashlight. A black version will follow soon.

Doll's House named Bye in the size of a shoe box: threedimensional artwork/ diorama. It is based on two shirts: "Slayer - Hanging Boy" and "Tankard - The Morning after". You will find both as posters in the room.

Zerr-Plastiken (Deformed Sculptures): rough versions of three distorted faces/ heads made of papier mâché in different sizes. It is an addition to the black and white faces of the "Empfindungen (Sensations)"-drawings.

Indoor Fountain: customary accessory converted into a sacrificial place for human beings. Many variants of crucifixions (silicone victims on wooden crosses) between tree miniatures. And the blood sputters from above.